We at Glacier Journey are committed to sharing our love and respect for nature and sharing it with each and every customer for a unique experience that won’t be forgotten. Iceland’s nature is mostly vast and untouched, which is what makes it so unique but also fragile. We want to lead by example and set the bar high for Iceland’s adventurous tourism industry. we want to promote an attitude towards nature where the focus is for the highlands to stay as intact as possible for further generations to enjoy as well. We have worked hard to be certified by Vakinn, Iceland’s official system for evaluating quality and environmental problems within the Icelandic tourism industry. We keep on working hard to keep the award.
Glacier Journey is proud to be officially recognized as a sustainable tour operator.
Despite us at Glacier Journey receiving recognition for being a sustainable tour operator, we continue to find more items to improve. We believe that if a company like ours wants to prosper there is only one way to do it; in harmony with nature and in harmony with the community and the local population. We prioritize local produce if possible to prevent long shipping distances as well as having the possibility to assure that the retailers also prioritize nature as well as workers’ rights.
Glacier Journey contributes to volunteer work locally and donates to various help- and charity organizations.
Glacier Journey is working in several ways for a better world. Press here to learn more about how we work in collaboration with UNESCO’s sustainable development goals and our vision for the company during the next forthcoming 5 years.
- We turn off the lights and other equipment when it’s not in use.
- We use energy-saving light bulbs or LED lights everywhere where possible.
- We use energy-saving equipment everywhere where possible.
- When changing different equipment in the company, we buy the ones which are the most energy-efficient.
- Where possible, we use motion sensors for our lights.
- We don’t let the tap run when we aren’t using the water.
- We are using water-efficient washing machines and dishwashers.
- We use water-conserving toilets.
- We sort our garbage and make sure to reduce any food waste.
- We offer our customers to sort their garbage.
- We only make affairs with print shops and alike who are environmentally certified.
- We print on environmentally certified and/or reusable paper.
- When possible, we buy local products and produce.

- We use soap dispensers.
- We use renewable and reusable products where possible.
- We focus on buying products from manufacturers who offer environmentally friendly and/or renewable packaging.
- We give a certain amount of our profit/time to nature conservation and community projects.
- We support local organizations and projects.
- When possible, we buy art and crafts which are produced locally.
- We deal with hazardous waste and pollutants carefully and make sure they are disposed of at the correct places.
- We don’t put hazardous waste or pollutants down the drains.
- We clean our vehicles at assigned areas where the detergents don’t pollute nature.
- We do our best to use vehicles that are eco-friendly and fuel-efficient.
- We adjust and inspect our vehicles regularly to lessen the pollutants.
- We don’t unnecessarily idle our vehicles.
- We support our staff if they want to access further training and /or education.
- We financially support children and youth worldwide for their chance to education.
- We support many community projects.
- We carbon offset all our fuel consumption.
- We are constantly looking for ways to improve our business.

Fallastakkur/Glacier Journey ehf has formulated a safety policy and set goals to ensure that the safety and comfort of the passengers is always a priority. All the equipment used on trips organized by the company is in perfect condition and is inspected regularly.
The driver is listed first when thinking about safety. The most important thing is to have good and reliable people who can handle any situation.
Glacier Journey thinks it is very important that all their drivers receiving good training in driving in challenging conditions.
Our workshop employs skilled men who take care of all maintenance. Efforts are made to ensure that maintenance is preventive, and a register of snowmobiles and cars is kept having the best overview. Emphasis is placed on the fact that cars are always properly equipped for the conditions, for example, that the tires are in accordance with the road conditions.
Ensuring that all other equipment necessary for the travel is in perfect working order.

In all our vehicles, seat belts in all seats are either two-point or three-point belts.
In addition, there are booster seats for the youngest passengers and child car seats when appropriate.
Our goal with this policy is to work systematically to ensure that safety is of the utmost importance and that accidents are as few and limited as possible.
Every other year, a safety and environmental course is held for drivers, where these issues are covered in detail.
All employees and contractors have a certified first aid course and or WFR course and Hard Ice 1-3.
All employees and contractors have with them, on all trips organized by the company, vhf and tetra stations that are monitored by SAR 112 and the Glacier Journey office.
Education and training of employees and contractors regarding equipment and safety.
That all the company’s vehicles are always in perfect condition.
Education and training of employees and contractors regarding driving on glaciers and in snow.
Education and training of employees and contractors in relation to nature.
Education for the company’s guests about nature and social interaction, especially in sensitive areas.
Consultation with all company employees and their active participation to maintain a vibrant safety culture with the aim of eliminating hazards and reducing the risk of accidents and mishaps.
To keep a record on all accidents, mishaps and near misses.